About Your Dockie

Can I use my Dockie in a Pool?
If exposed to high levels of some brands of pool shock over an extended time, the foam material may expectance premature aging. Please check the label of your pool chemicals for warning information.
What chemicals can damage the Dockie?
Please keep your Dockie away from nasty stuff like bromine (in some older insecticides), non-diluted sodium chlorite, trichloroethane solvent, trimethylbenzene fuel additive, aqua-regia etching solutions.
Will the Dockie fit on my boat?
The Dockie is the ideal boat accessory, simply roll your Dockie up and stow on deck. The Dockie easily rolls to about a 24-inch diameter and is six feet wide.
Is the Rubber Dockie Made of Rubber?
No, unlike the name, the Rubber Dockie is made of closed cell foam. "Closed Cell Foam Dockie" didn't sound very cool.